
Future perfect

Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and exercises.

Future perfect is a verb tense that is used for actions that will be completed before some other point in the future.


Positive: Subject + will + have + verb (past participle)
Negative: Subject + will + have + not + verb (past participle)
Interrogative: Will + subject + have + verb (past participle)
Keywords: by the end of this week, by the end of this year, in 2 years time, in another weeks / months / years

Exercises - Future perfect

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  • 1) You won't have studied doesn't study the English grammar.

  • 2) You won't have studied doesn't study the English grammar.

  • 3) She won't have saved doesn't save enough money yet.

  • 4) She will marry will have married him by then.

  • 5) I won't have eaten don't eat by then.

  • 6) They left will have left China by six.

  • 7) The plant shall grow will have grown by then.

  • 8) Mom will have cooked cook our favourite meal.

  • 9) I don't eat won't have eaten by then.

  • 10) She will have married will marry him by then.